A Prayer for Women

The role of women in the Passion and Resurrection Narratives in the Gospels should get our attention and lead us to a better understanding of the importance of women in the life and ministry of Jesus as a whole. 

This prayer highlights the relationship between Jesus and the women in his life – those who followed him during his earthly ministry, and those who follow him now:


Lord Jesus Christ, your presence was powerful in the lives of women.  You were born of a woman, whom you honored and loved, and who treasured you in her heart (Lk. 2:7, 51).  You revealed yourself to women as the Messiah, the Resurrection, and the Life (Jn. 4:26; 11:25-27).  You were friends with women (Jn. 11:5).  You were welcomed into their homes (Lk. 10:38).  Women travelled with you (Lk. 8:1-3), listened to your words (Lk. 10:39), wept for you (Lk. 23:38), witnessed your death (Mk. 15:41) and proclaimed your Resurrection (Jn. 20:18). 

Lord Jesus, with compassion and power, over and over you healed women of faith and their loved ones (Mk. 5:34; Mt. 15:28).  You expelled demons from the depths of their souls (Mk. 16:9), healed them spiritually by the forgiveness of their sins (Lk. 7:48), and restored them physically, freeing them from the bondage of illness and pain (Lk. 13:16). 

Like the women of the Gospels, we befriend you, we welcome you into our homes, we walk with you, listen to you, weep with you, follow you to the Cross, and witness your empty tomb.  We too have experienced your healing touch and the restoring power of your forgiveness.  Heal us again, Lord, and strengthen us to proclaim with Mary Magdalene, “I have seen the Lord!” (Jn. 20:18).  Amen.

Prayer for My Work

Lord God, Creator of this world and all that is within it, I offer you my work.  Whatever task is before me, help me to complete it in your name.  Help me to be not only hardworking and competent, but also wise and kind.  Help me to treat my co-workers as I wish to be treated.  Help me not to measure my success by the standards of this world, but simply to do my work to the best of my ability and in a spirit of love and tranquility. 

Prayer for My Family

Lord Jesus, you were born into a human family.  You know our joys and struggles.  Bless our family with your love.  Refresh and strengthen us in the happiness of our good times.  Comfort and assist us in our painful times.  Fill our home with the burning charity you showed us on the Cross, that our family life may reflect the joy and peace of your Resurrection.

The Holy Family with the Little Bird by Bartolome Esteban Murillo ca. 1650

The Holy Family with the Little Bird by Bartolome Esteban Murillo ca. 1650

A Prayer

Grant me to recognize in other men, Lord God, the radiance of your own face.

-- Teilhard de Chardin
