Save the Date: Lenten Evening of Music & Reflection

THIS PROGRAM HAS BEEN CANCELED — We look forward to being with you next year! Prayers and blessings, Amy

Lent is around the corner, and I wanted to share this upcoming program with you in plenty of time to save the date! Please join me, Peter DeMarco, and the Saint Ann Choir for our yearly Lenten Evening of Music & Reflection at Saint Ann Church in Milford, CT (Wed., Mar. 18, 7:00 p.m.). If you’ve never experienced the Saint Ann Choir, they are well worth the drive to Milford! This wonderful parish choir can raise the roof and open your heart. So come, reflect with me, sing with the Saint Ann Choir, and be with Christ crucified, the goal of our Lenten journey. All are welcome!


Guest Blogger: My Dad

The Conscience of Franz Jägerstätter:
A Homily by Deacon Tim Vineyard

“Jägerstätter reasoned that, since God gives us free will and a conscience,
God holds us responsible for what we do.”

This past summer when I was home in Texas, I heard my dad preach this homily. It was pretty long for a homily, but you could have heard a pin drop. As the story built and the courage of Franz Jägerstätter came to life, we all got wrapped up in this story—this witness—of the power of human freedom and conscience.

One of my college professors, a Cistercian monk who himself had escaped an evil regime in Hungary, told us that the human will has limitless power. He said, “The whole universe could blow up in your face. You can still be saying ‘no.’” Franz Jägerstätter said “no.”

Thanks Dad—for preaching and sharing this homily, and for being a man of conscience in my life.

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The German army invaded Austria in 1938. The Austrians didn’t offer any resistance. Many Austrians actually welcomed the German invasion! At that time, there was a lot of support for the goals and aims of the Nazi movement in Austria.

Hitler was greeted by enthusiastic crowds waving Nazi flags and giving the Nazi salute. Afterward, some 70,000 Austrian political opponents of the Nazis were arrested and Hitler ordered a universal vote in Austria on the issue of the unification of Austria with Germany. A Nazi-led propaganda campaign supported unification. The Catholic hierarchy advocated a “yes” vote. In the end, the Nazis claimed that Austrians overwhelmingly favored the dissolution of Austria and its becoming a part of Germany. Hitler then began the process of the deep humiliation of Jews and, with the cooperation of the locals, ran many Jews out of Austria.

Franz Jägerstätter was an Austrian farmer. He married a woman who took her Catholic faith seriously. His marriage to her changed him, and he, too, became devout in his Catholic faith. He voted in the German/Austrian unification plebiscite but, unlike his countrymen, he voted “no,” rejecting the Nazis. Due to the subsequent German annexation of Austria, Jägerstätter became subject to the German military draft. Would he serve as a soldier in the Nazi army?

Jägerstätter was happily married and had young children. The last thing he wanted was to put himself or his family at risk.  But he carefully examined the morality of the German war. He witnessed the suppression of the church—the churches had to fly the swastika flag and pray for Hitler; priests were jailed. He saw the Germans take over other countries for no just reason. He heard reports of the beginning of the Nazi Jewish genocide program. For him, it all came down to this question: “Should I be a Nazi or a Catholic?” Jägerstätter recognized that to support the Nazi movement was to oppose Christ and his Church.

He met with his bishop to discuss what his response should be, but the bishop refused to discuss the matter with him. Several well-meaning priests tried to talk him into cooperating with the Germans. There was a great deal of discussion about the morality of a decision to refuse to serve as a combatant in the Nazi-led military. This decision was punishable by death; did it amount to suicide? Some questioned the morality of such a decision in light of his family responsibilities. But Jägerstätter wondered how good a husband and father he would be if he chose social conformity over obedience to Christ’s teaching.

Jägerstätter reasoned that, since God gives us free will and a conscience, God holds us responsible for what we do. He believed that people can’t escape personal responsibility for their actions simply by arguing that they were following the orders of their government.

When he was required to serve in the German army, Jägerstätter said a final good-bye to his wife and children and refused to serve as a combatant, offering instead to serve as a medic. He was promptly beheaded and forgotten.

In 1964, Gordon Zahn published a biography of Jägerstätter, In Solitary Witness. His story circulated among those participating in the Vatican II Council, which was in progress at the time. Jägerstätter’s life and writings made a significant impact on what the Catholic Church teaches today about war, peace, conscience and individual responsibility. His life had a significant impact on the 1965 Vatican II document entitled The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. Jägerstätter was declared a martyr in 2007 and beatified in the same year.

Looking back, we think everyone should have seen things the way Jägerstätter did. Why would anyone want to participate in the Nazi movement? But when you’re living in the middle of a national crisis, things get complicated fast. Really complicated. Even in our day, such complications can lead us to think and act based on fear, pride, confusion, fatigue, anxiety, and the desire to conform. Jägerstätter was able to see past all of that because his heart and conscience were fixed on Jesus Christ above all else. Naturally, such a path will not be taken by everyone; it takes conviction and courage to lay down your life for what you believe. Perhaps this is why Jesus said, “Do you think I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division” (Luke 12:51).

Today we face issues that will affect the lives of thousands of people in profound ways. We don’t respond out of mere human pragmatism, fear, pride, or a desire to conform. We’re not confused. Instead, we listen to our conscience, which is formed by the Gospel, and we face the current issues with our hearts firmly fixed on Jesus Christ above all else. As the Body of Christ, this is what we do.

Blessed Franz Jägerstätter, pray for us.

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There’s a movie out about the life of Franz Jägerstätter called “A Hidden Life.”
Here’s a preview:

5 Bible Facts for Advent....and other news

Hello, my long lost friends! And blessed Advent to you! I pray that you all are well in this season of hope and light, even in the midst of winter’s dark and cold days. Please enjoy the article below, “Five Bible Facts for Advent,” which was originally published in Catholic Digest. Below the article are some announcements and tidbits.

Advent is the perfect time to learn more about the Gospel stories of Jesus’ conception, birth, and infancy. We call these stories the “infancy narratives.” We are already quite familiar with these stories, but you may find something new or surprising in this month’s list of five!

1. Only the Gospels of Matthew and Luke tell us about Jesus’ birth. While all four Gospels tell us about the death of Jesus, only two of them tell us about his birth. Mark’s Gospel launches very quickly into the ministry of Jesus with no mention of his birth or origins. John’s Gospel describes the preexistence of Jesus with God, and he does say that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (1:14), but John does not provide any details about the circumstances of Jesus’ birth. Interestingly, only the first two chapters of Matthew and Luke are devoted to the stories surrounding the conception, birth, and infancy of Christ.

2. Matthew’s infancy narratives tell us more about Joseph, while Luke’s tell us more about Mary. Although Matthew and Luke both tell stories about the birth of Jesus, they tell these stories in very different ways. For example, in Matthew the Annunciation is made by an angel to Joseph, while in Luke the Annunciation is made by an angel to Mary. In Matthew’s Gospel, we are told that Joseph has dreams that reveal God’s will and allow him to keep Jesus safe from those who wish him harm. In Luke’s Gospel, we are told a great deal about Mary: She visits her cousin Elizabeth, sings a canticle of praise, receives foreboding words from a prophet, and “[keeps] all these things in her heart” (2:51). Joseph’s name peppers Matthew’s account, while Mary’s name is mentioned 12 times in Luke’s account!

3. Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus is dark in tone, already foreshadowing the cross. Another way Matthew’s infancy narratives differ from Luke’s is that they are very different in tone. In Matthew’s account, the cross—an event which we do not typically associate with the birth of Jesus—already looms over his infancy. A decidedly dark note is sounded in the jealousy of King Herod, who wants to “destroy” Jesus when he hears of the “newborn king of the Jews” (2:2; see 2:13). In a horrifying and violent scene, Herod orders the massacre of all boys in Bethlehem age two and under. The jealousy, deception, and death of innocents highlighted in Matthew’s account all foreshadow the cross of Jesus. Of course the Resurrection is also foreshadowed: The infant Jesus is saved from destruction by the plan of God and lives on to become the savior of his people. As usual God has the last word, and it is a victorious one.

4. Your manger scene at home is likely a combination of details from Matthew and Luke, as well as some traditions that are not in the Bible. If you’re looking for an interesting Advent activity, read the infancy narratives (Matthew 1–2 and Luke 1–2) and compare what you read with what you see in your manger scene. Which Gospel mentions a stable? Which one mentions the Magi? What about shepherds, camels, angels, a star, and a manger? You’ll find that many of these things are found in one Gospel but not both. You may even find that a few items in your manger scene are not mentioned at all; for example, your Magi may be wearing crowns, but there is no mention of “three kings”! This can be a fun and informative activity for families. It helps us distinguish between the two different accounts of the birth of Jesus and enhances our awareness and appreciation of the diversity found within Scripture.

5. Jesus was born into a family. We may take this fact for granted, but it is worth some reflection this Advent season. Jesus did not appear on earth out of nowhere. He wasn’t like Superman, landing in a pod sent from another world. Rather, the Son of God was born of a human mother, emerging from her womb and into her arms just like every other child, just like each of us. He felt cold and hunger; he cried for his mama just like we did. Jesus is one of us. As St. Paul wrote, “For you know the gracious act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that for your sake he became poor although he was rich, so that by his poverty you might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). It is this reality—God with us—that is at the heart of the Advent season. 

(This article, which was originally published in Catholic Digest’s Bible in 5 column, is reproduced with the permission of Bayard, Inc. Reproduction of this material, in any form, requires the written permission of Bayard, Inc.)


  • As many of you know, I’m taking a year off from speaking engagements, but I will be giving an Advent Evening of Reflection (with music by Brian Rucci) at St. Robert Bellarmine Church (52 S Elm St, Windsor Locks, CT) on Wed., Dec. 11, from 6:30-7:45 p.m. All are welcome! There is no cost and no need to RSVP.

  • Sr. Lany Jo Smith, ASCJ, will be offering an Advent Afternoon of Reflection entitled “Mary: The Heart of Advent” with the Saint Ann Choir at Saint Ann Church (501 Naugatuck Ave, Milford CT) on Sun., Dec. 8, from 5:00-6:00 p.m. She’s a beautiful soul, and they’re a beautiful choir. You can’t go wrong here.

  • Speaking of beautiful souls, if you’re looking for a nice Christmas gift for yourself or someone else, consider Benedictine Sister Macrina Wiederkehr’s new book The Flowing Grace of Now: Encountering Wisdom through the Weeks of the Year. If you’re familiar with Macrina’s work, you know she’s a fine teacher, a clear writer, and a mystical, prophetic voice. This is Macrina’s first book in a decade, and there’s no better time to start reading it than at the start of a new year. Sr. Macrina selects “52 Teachers”—one for every week of the year—to guide you to recognize and live the “flowing grace of now.” The teachers are biblical and creative—like blindness, simplicity, and silence. Weekly prayers and inspiring spiritual quotes finish out this beautiful little book. Find it here, and learn more about Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr here.

  • And my Advent book is available on the Little Rock Scripture Study site with free shipping through Dec. 13 and bulk rates on 6+ books! Here it is.

  • From my home to yours, may your Advent season be one of peace. May every light, and every gift, and every quiet moment, remind you of Christ.

The Silent Creed

What a comfort it is to know that our faith exists within a community! According to Scripture, God does not only save individuals—God saves his people. The great covenants of the Bible—the Mosaic Covenant and the New Covenant in Christ—are not made with individuals but with the Israelite people and then with the entire world. Although it is true that God is eternally and devotedly focused on each one of us—to the point of counting every hair on our heads!—it is also true that God creates and loves each of us as members of communities: our families, our Church, our world.

A friend of mine once told me a powerful story about a difficult time in her life. She had just given birth to a baby girl, and the little girl was struggling to survive. Devastated, distraught, exhausted, and totally stressed, my friend went to Mass. When it came time for the Creed, she couldn’t speak. She was empty. She wasn’t sure what or if she believed.

What happened next both surprised and sustained her. As the voices around her professed the Creed, my friend felt lifted up. Their unwavering, believing voices were like strong arms lifting up her heart, her mind, her body to God. Was she struggling to profess, to believe? No matter. The community believed on her behalf, and she let them.

I tried this myself on Sunday. I was silent during the Creed; I listened. All around me voices rose up. I had never thought of my parish as particularly robust, but they were loud and strong! I looked around at all of the faces and bodies. I knew how different we all are, how even when we say “I believe,” we are thinking, meaning, believing slight variations on the themes of our faith. But these were my people, speaking “I believe.” These were God’s people, the ones of the covenant.

This weekend when you go to Mass, I encourage you to stay silent during the Creed, just this once. Listen, be lifted. Be reminded how strong is the faith of our Church. Be reminded that your brothers and sisters believe for you when you feel empty or you cannot speak. They are loud enough. They are strong enough. Let their voices lift you like arms. These are your people.

We are as interconnected as these water droplets on a spider web. Photo by Mary Weems. Used with permission.

We are as interconnected as these water droplets on a spider web. Photo by Mary Weems. Used with permission.

Bear with Me . . . A Personal Update

Dear Friends and Readers,

You may have noticed that I’ve been away for a while! Life has been full, but I can honestly say I’ve missed writing for you and being with you on this forum.

I’d like to offer a personal update to explain why I’ve been away from the blogging desk, and to explain why my blogging and retreat-directing may be a bit sporadic in the near future!

As many of you know, I’ve been working for the past year and a half as associate editor at Little Rock Scripture Study. I’ve enjoyed this work very much. Several months ago, the director of Little Rock Scripture Study (Cackie Upchurch, who has become a mentor and friend to me) surprised me and my colleague Lilly Hess with the news that she was planning to retire. To make a long story short, two things have come about since then. First, our longtime publishing partner Liturgical Press has purchased Little Rock Scripture Study from the Diocese of Little Rock and is now the sole owner of LRSS. And second, Liturgical Press has invited me to take on the role of director of Little Rock Scripture Study. I have some amazing shoes to fill!

My history with Little Rock Scripture Study goes back much farther than just the past year and a half. Some of you may recall my blog post about my first parish job: Sr. Blanche’s Desk. Well, I can tell you that as I sat at Sr. Blanche’s desk, the bookshelves behind me were lined with every Bible study that Little Rock Scripture Study had ever published. They say that Sr. Blanche was a Scripture scholar in her own right. She knew what she was doing. And she chose the best. And as those first years of ministry passed while I sat at Sr. Blanche’s desk, the Little Rock Scripture Study group at my parish met faithfully on Tuesday nights in the school library, breaking open the Word of God, breaking open their minds and hearts, faithfully reading, studying, learning, and being transformed together by God’s Word. What a witness they were to me, and what a wonderful sign of the power of study in community.

Sitting at Sr. Blanche’s desk with those books behind me, I had no idea, of course, where God would lead me or what direction my life would take. But looking back, I see the path. I have a feeling that many of you can relate to that experience—the way so many things become clearer when we look back.

As the director of Little Rock Scripture Study, I will continue working remotely from my home office in Connecticut (now my employer is Liturgical Press in Collegeville, Minnesota rather than the Diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas). I hope to continue teaching for the Hartford Catholic Biblical School as well as occasionally at Sacred Heart University. I will also continue my column at Catholic Digest and will take up other writing projects as they come. There will still be retreats and talks (and blogs!), but they will be less frequent.

Of course my family is also keeping life busy! Our oldest daughter is going into her senior year in high school, so the college search is on. It’s hard to believe that she’ll be flying the coop a year from now. And then our second daughter a year later! Fortunately, Ono and I will still have the boys here for a while to keep us in line. Please keep our son Julian in prayer as he’s had some health challenges in the past several months. But nothing stops this kid physically, mentally, or heart-ily!

Thank you for reading, and thank you to many of you who have encouraged me to keep writing, no matter what. I’m sure going to try.

O God, the path before us is unclear. The path behind us tells a story. The story is about your abiding presence and your guiding hand. We know you are always with us, abiding and guiding. But we say the words, we ask—abide with us, guide us on the path ahead!

Love and blessings!

Arkansas Catholic: “Associate editor will be LRSS director for Liturgical Press”
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So proud to call these two ladies my friends: Lilly Hess (middle) and Cackie Upchurch (right). They’ve given so much of themselves to LRSS in service of God’s Word.

So proud to call these two ladies my friends: Lilly Hess (middle) and Cackie Upchurch (right). They’ve given so much of themselves to LRSS in service of God’s Word.