I am honored and excited to have an article published in the March issue of St. Anthony Messenger magazine. The article is about the cross as the centerpiece of our Lenten journey. Here is an excerpt:
“We tend to perceive our sinfulness as the thing that separates us from God – but that is only true when we cling to it. When we give it over to the one on the cross, the friend of sinners, then we are drawn to Christ crucified, united with him in the miracle of forgiveness, encouraged and embraced by his love. The sacrifice of the cross becomes for us a seal of divine friendship.”
The article can be read in full by clicking the magazine cover below.
The March issue features an impactful article by Donis Tracy about James Foley, a journalist killed by ISIS whose Catholic faith was a sure and quiet strength. You can also read this article online at the St. Anthony Messenger website.