Deacon's Prayer

I wrote this prayer for the deacons of the Diocese of Bridgeport and their wives (who share in their formation and often share in their ministry).  I wanted to pass it on so you can either share it with the deacons in your life (Hi, Dad!) or use it in your own ministry.  I did write it with deacons in mind but it can be prayed by anyone, of course.  Feel free to adapt this prayer for your own use!

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Lord Jesus Christ, Servant of all,

Send your Spirit upon me as I serve your Church.

Give me eyes to see the needs of your people.

Give me a discerning mind to know your truth.

Give me a generous spirit when I am tired but needed.

Give me a humble heart when my work goes unnoticed.

Give me peace of mind in obedience and service.

Give me health of body so I may serve with strength.

Make me fertile ground for your inspiration and love.

Comfort me when I question myself and my ministry.

Grant me grace as I age so I may share your wisdom.

Make my heart like yours so I may love your people. 


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A special note:  Has hell frozen over?  It’s possible.  I’m on Facebook!  

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The seven "men of good standing" appointed by the early Church to serve the needs of the community (see Acts 6) and later recognized by Church tradition as the first deacons.

The seven "men of good standing" appointed by the early Church to serve the needs of the community (see Acts 6) and later recognized by Church tradition as the first deacons.