The Catholic Transcript just ran a story about a talk Ruth Mulhern and I gave on aging as a time of spiritual growth. We’ll be giving the same talk on April 11 (see details below). Here’s the article:
My upcoming events for April and May are below. Remember, you can always check my Upcoming Programs by visiting my website ( and clicking on “Retreats & Presentations” then “Upcoming Programs.”
Evening of Reflection: "The Spiritual Adventure of Our Later Years"
Have you ever thought about your later years as the greatest spiritual time in your life? While aging naturally presents us with challenges, there are ways to open our minds and hearts to new possibilities. Join us for an Evening of Reflection as we consider the graces available to us in our later years. We will also reflect on our “spiritual legacies” – the spiritual blessings we want to leave behind for future generations.
Presented by Amy Ekeh and Ruth Mulhern, R.N.
Mon., April 11, 2016, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Caritas Christi Retreat Center, Hamden, CT (295 Benham St.)
To register, call Sr. Jeanne Marie at 203-281-2569. A $20 donation is requested.
Scripture Workshop: "From Creation to the Cross: Exploring Biblical Perspectives on the Mystery of Human Suffering"
The diversity of ideas and perspectives we discover in Scripture includes a variety of approaches to human suffering. From the self-inflicted wounds of Adam and Eve to the redemptive wounds of Christ, Scripture opens to us an inner world of human questions and enduring truths. Together we will explore the lasting impact of sin, the agonizing search for answers, the challenge of authentic surrender, and at the heart of it all, the abiding love of God. Join us for an informative, thought-provoking and personally meaningful day of study and reflection as we investigate biblical perspectives on the mystery of human suffering.
Archdiocese of Hartford St. Thomas Seminary (467 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield, CT)
Sat., April 30, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
There is no cost for the morning.
This program is sponsored by the Archdiocese of Hartford's Catholic Biblical School but is open to anyone who is interested.
To register, contact B.J. Daly-Horrell at or 860-242-5573 x2679 or email me at
Parish Morning of Reflection: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
Would you like to see the rosary in a new light? The rosary is not only the story of Jesus & Mary – it is also your story! This classic symbol of Catholic faith symbolizes your own life – the beads are like steps along life’s path. Your life has had its own “mysteries” – its own significant moments – sorrowful, joyful, glorious and luminous. Join us for a Morning of Reflection as we imitate Mary by pondering in our own hearts the presence of God in the “Rosary of Our Lives.”
Sponsored by St. Bridget/St. Thomas Becket Parishes, Cheshire, CT
St. Bridget Parish Center, 125 Main St., Cheshire, CT
Thurs., May 19, 2016, 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m.
To register, call Sr. Patricia Cigrand at 203-272-6504.
All are welcome. There is no cost for the morning.
Women's Day of Reflection: "The Rosary of Our Lives"
Would you like to see the rosary in a new light? The rosary is not only the story of Jesus & Mary – it is also your story! This classic symbol of Catholic faith symbolizes your own life – the beads are like steps along life’s path. Your life has had its own “mysteries” – its own significant moments – sorrowful, joyful, glorious and luminous. Join us for a Day of Reflection as we imitate Mary by pondering in our own hearts the presence of God in the “Rosary of Our Lives.”
Sponsored by the St. Thomas Aquinas Mothers Prayer Group
Location: St. Margaret Shrine, Bridgeport, CT (a beautiful and very unique shrine!)
Wed., May 25, 2016, 8:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Registration is open to all interested women.
To register, email Renee at Cost is $35 and includes breakfast and lunch.
Here I am with my friend and co-presenter, Ruth Mulhern, R.N. There is a picture of her next to "wit and wisdom" in the dictionary!